Sonoran Spa Newsletter November 2017

Castaways Newsletter – RockyPoint Rally 2017!
Dear guests,
We hope you had a great fall! Catch up with the information about the biggest motorcycle event of the year!
We invite you to stay with us to enjoy this great motorcycle event. For more details  see information below!

Motorcycle Rally is almost Here!

A lot of motorcycles can be seen this year! Thousands of bikers visit Rocky Point from diferent places to celebrate the biggest Motorcycle party of the year! Events, parties, parades, contests, bike shows, and much more!

Are you looking for a place to stay? Book your room below and do not miss anything!

Enjoy Rocky Point Rally while relax on the best places at Rocky Point! Places are runnint out, get your room before is too late!

Book your room here!
or Book Here!

We hope that the rally will be equal or better than last year, we are expecting a lot of tourism and motorcycles!

Rocky Point (Puerto Peñasco) - Rocky Point Motorcycle Rally 2016!

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