Sonoran Spa Bulletin May 2017

Hello Travel Agents!

Thank you for working with Castaways Vacation Rentals, we are thankful to have you with us and we hope to have you many more years! We have some news that we would like to share with you.

Have a great weekend!

Coupons Available For Low Season

We would like to inform you that we have activated our 10% off coupon for low season at Castaways and Sonoran Spa units! We hope this tool will be handy for you! 

New Feature: Modify Reservations!

Thanks to one of our Travel Agents information, we have a new feature enabled for you, you will now be able to modify basic information in the reservation, guest personal information. You can go and test it right now. We think that this feature we will save you time and we will make your work much easier!

First Payment Policy

We would like to remind you that the minimum first payment on the reservation must be a $200. We have seen several Travel Agent booking the units under this amount as first payment, and then, release the unit. We would like to let you know that all credit card movements, charges, refunds, cancellations, has a cost to us. In order to cover those charges from VISA, we need to stick to our policies and be able to pay for those charges. We know that this is the way that few Travel Agencies has been working for the last years, but we will need you to follow our policies in order to make our jobs much easier and do not generate loses. We hope this is not an issue for you and we have no intention to harm your way to do busines, but this is something that we need to improved. Thank you for your understanding.

Castaways Management.

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