March 1, 2018 @ 12:00 pm
Boobar Clothing Company
Circunvalación y o Malecón Kino
El Puerto, Puerto Peñasco, Son.
Boobar Clothing Company

Boobar Travels Contest


Boobar Travels Contest

We’ve managed to gather numerous photos of our fans taking us on vacation with them.
First of all, thank you and we’ve loved all of your pictures!
Second, for your generosity, we want to give you the opportunity of a lifetime..the chance for a free weekend stay on us! Our contest has begun!!!! It starts now and will end March 1st 2019. You have just over a year to submit your best photo with our flag on your vacation. Photos will be judged by “likes or hearts”. No Photoshop.
All you have to do to participate is to get a Boobar Flag, go on Vacation, take pictures and upload them to our page! Simple!! The sooner you post the more time you’ll have for people to vote on.
The 10 pictures with the most “likes or hearts” by March 1st of 2019
will be judged for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th places. Good luck
Please note you will only be able to submit 1 photo per contest, so make it your best!!!!!!! Thank you for letting us see the world with you.

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